
Extreme hardship is a term used in immigration law that refers to the severe and unusual hardship that a qualifying relative may experience if you are not granted admission to the United States. To support your application for cancellation of removal or other immigration relief, you must provide evidence of the extreme hardship that your qualifying relative would experience if you were removed from the United States.
At our practice, we provide immigration psychological evaluations to support your extreme hardship case. Our licensed mental health providers assess your family’s psychological well-being, identify any symptoms of trauma, and provide an accurate report that outlines how the trauma relates to the situation of extreme hardship. Our comprehensive reports include diagnostic impressions, mental health treatment recommendations, and a summary of the evaluation results.
We understand the importance of your case and work diligently to provide the highest quality evaluations to support your extreme hardship case. Our assessments are conducted by licensed providers who are bilingual in English and Spanish.
Trust our team to provide accurate and comprehensive evaluations to support your extreme hardship case.

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User testimonial

Emily Johnson
The bilingual services provided by Phoenix were invaluable in helping me navigate the complex immigration process. Their expertise and professionalism are unmatched.

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